SLO 511 Information Feed

Type Road City Description Date & Time
CHP Incident State Route 1 / Addie St Pismo Beach CZPAssist with Construction 04/11/24 06:56PM
CHP Incident 101 N / Grand Ave Off Ramp San Luis Obispo Traffic hazard 04/11/24 06:58PM
CHP Incident Tefft St Off Ramp / S Frontage Rd Nipomo Accident, property damage 04/11/24 04:32PM
Lane Closure State Route 166 Santa Maria Rice Road 04/16/24 09:01AM - 04/16/24 03:01PM
CHP Incident 101 N / State Route 166 E On Ramp Nipomo Traffic hazard 04/11/24 03:43PM
Lane Closure State Route 41 Morro Bay Between Del Prado Ranch Entr & Cerro Alto Road 04/09/24 09:01AM - 04/11/24 03:01PM
Lane Closure State Route 46 Lost Hills Between Highway 33 & San Luis Obispo County Line 03/12/24 10:01AM - 03/15/24 03:01PM
Lane Closure State Route 41 Morro Bay Del Prado Ranch Entr 03/07/24 08:01AM - 04/18/24 03:01PM
Lane Closure State Route 166 Renshaw Place Between Cuyama River BR 51-0219 & Cuyama River BR 49-0043 02/21/24 09:01AM - 04/15/24 02:01PM
Lane Closure State Route 46 Shandon Between Route 46 2 miles East from 41/46 intersection & Route 46 2.5 miles East from 41/46 intersection 02/15/24 09:01AM - 03/22/24 02:59PM
Lane Closure State Route 1 San Luis Obispo Between Montalban Street & Pacific Coast Highway, Route 1 02/14/24 09:01AM - 02/23/24 03:01PM
Lane Closure US-101 Arroyo Grande Between Brisco Road & Route 101 02/13/24 09:01AM - 04/13/24 12:30PM
CHP Incident San Luis Bay Dr / Bay Laurel Pl Avila Beach Accident, ambulance rolling 04/11/24 02:24PM
CHP Incident 268 E Chestnut St Nipomo Traffic hazard 04/11/24 12:16PM
CHP Incident W Tefft St / N Mallagh St Nipomo Accident, ambulance rolling 04/11/24 12:44PM
CHP Incident 22nd St / Paso Robles St Oceano Traffic hazard 04/11/24 11:08AM
CHP Incident 101 S / San Marcos Rd Paso Robles Accident, property damage 04/11/24 07:28AM
CHP Incident Madonna Rd / Higuera St San Luis Obispo MZPAssist CT with Maintenance 04/11/24 07:54AM
CHP Incident 1075 Mission St San Miguel Hit and Run No Injuries 04/11/24 12:31AM
CHP Incident N Thompson Ave / Los Berros Rd Off Ramp Arroyo Grande Car Fire 04/10/24 09:52PM