The Commuter Club (previously the Back ‘N’ Forth Club) is a free program of SLO Regional Rideshare that assists employers in San Luis Obispo County in educating and empowering their employees to make smart commute choices by supplying them with the tools, incentives, and services they need. Email [email protected] to get started!
Here is why so many employers in SLO County participate:
- Free extension of existing HR offerings
- Reduced parking demand, opening up spaces for customers
- Improved employee recruitment and retention
- Payroll tax savings
- Measurable program impacts (e.g.: CO2 reduced, money saved, and vehicles removed from the road)
- Reduced employee stress and health costs
- National, regional, and local recognition for participation
Here are ways we help employers encourage smart commute choices:
- Private iRideshare.org network to manage every aspect of your commuter benefit program (free service valued at over $500 per-year, per-employer)
- Annual creation of a Trip Reduction Plan created with feedback from your employees
- New hire packets that include information about your employer’s program, information about our Guaranteed Ride Home incentive, and a quick iRideshare.org tutorial (in English and/or Spanish)
- On-site events with food and giveaways to promote your program to your employees
- Help with setting up: a pre-tax transit benefit under IRS code 132(f) for employee transit/vanpool costs, telecommute policies and flexible schedules
Email us today learn more about starting a program that supports commuters at your workplace!