Safe Routes to School

Bike to School Day will be May 7th, 2025

Download a flyer: 2025 Bike to School Day Flyer or 2025 Spanish Bike to School Day Flyer

Thousands of schools across America participate in Walk to School Day every October to encourage children to safely walk, bike or roll to school. SLO Regional Rideshare organizes the event in San Luis Obispo County, in partnership with dozens of K-12 schools and local school districts. The event highlights the importance of safe routes to school and supports healthy communities. See the list of participating schools below.

Will your school participate?

Email us! We’ll provide you with flyers, snacks, and giveaways for students who Bike or walk to school on May 7th.

Participating schools (to be updated by May 1):

Atascadero Unified School District
Atascadero High School
Fine Arts Academy
San Benito Elementary
San Gabriel Elementary
Santa Margarita Elementary
Santa Rosa Academic Academy

Cayucos Elementary District
Cayucos Elementary

Lucia Mar Unified School District
Dana Elementary
Fairgrove Elementary
Harloe Elementary
Grover Beach Elementary
Grover Heights Elementary
Nipomo High School
Nipomo Elementary
Oceano Elementary
Shell Beach Elementary

San Luis Coastal Unified School District
Baywood Elementary
Bishop’s Peak Elementary
C.L. Smith Elementary
Del Mar Elementary
Hawthorne Elementary
Laguna Middle School
Los Osos Middle School
Monarch Grove Elementary
Pacheco Elementary
San Luis Obispo High School
Sinsheimer Elementary

Templeton Unified School District
Templeton Elementary
Templeton Middle School
Templeton High School

San Miguel Joint Unified School District
Lillian Larsen Elementary

Paso Robles Joint Unified School District

Bellevue-Santa Fe Charter School


 Co-Sponsored by the Air Pollution Control DistrictNo photo description available.

Mini-Grants Available for 2025/26 School Year!

Rideshare’s Safe Routes to School program offers mini-grant funding to K-12 schools in San Luis Obispo County for education and encouragement activities that make it safe, convenient, and fun for children to walk and bicycle to and from school.

Apply for Funding

Event Planning Resources

Need help planning your Bike, Walk & Roll to School event? Below are several resources to help you get started.

Safe Routes to School Family Survey Results (2022 & 2024)

A big thanks to all of the SLO County K-12 families, schools, and local communities who provided input on the 2024 Safe Routes to School Family Survey. We received over 1,200 responses! Your input helps us advocate for additional Safe Routes to School funding and resources.

2024 Family Survey Summary Data

2022 Family Survey Summary Data

Safe Routes to School is an initiative that works to make it safe, convenient, and fun for children to walk and bicycle to and from schools. The goal is to get more children walking and bicycling to school, improve kids’ safety, and increase health and physical activity. In 1969, nearly 50 percent of all children in the United States (and nearly 90 percent of those within a mile of school) walked or bicycled to school. Today, that number has plummeted to fewer than 15 percent. During the morning commute, driving to school represents 10-14 percent of traffic on the road. Studies show that Safe Routes to School programs are effective at increasing rates of bicycling and walking to school and decreasing injuries, while helping reduce traffic congestion and pollution around school zones.

Encourage active transportation choices at your school with support from Rideshare.

The mission of Rideshare’s Safe Routes to School (SRTS) program is to educate and empower school communities, K–12 students, and parents through tools and incentives that encourage active transportation choices and create change in family/student commuter habits. Any San Luis Obispo County school faculty member, administrator, or parent wishing to build or grow a Safe Routes to School program is urged to contact Rideshare staff for free support in the form of community resources, incentives, and on-bike education for students. Additionally, Rideshare will market your school as a Safe Routes to School community member in public relations activities, advertisements, newsletters, and on our website.

Free Learning Resources

The following resources were developed to provide bicycle safety education to 4th and 5th grade students in San Luis Obispo County, CA with grant funding from the Cycle 3 Active Transportation Program (ATP). Materials are free for educational use.



Answer Keys

In-class instruction is also available through Bike SLO County with funding from the San Luis Obispo Council of Governments (SLOCOG). Contact Rideshare staff at [email protected] to learn more. Questions? Reach out: [email protected]

Where can I find…?

Student Bus Passes
Additional Resources